Don't run for the hills when you need to have a difficult conversation with a colleague or your boss. Work on your interpersonal communications skills so you're not an awkward colleague. Interpersonal communication skills often feel like they require too much intimacy. But you need to understand other's needs and your own, and be able to express them appropriately. And form trusting workplace relationships so that you can offer emotional support, influence attitudes, and give and receive feedback appropriately. Let’s improve your relationships at work through intentional communication coaching.

Don't run for the hills when you need to have a difficult conversation with a colleague or your boss. Work on your interpersonal communications skills so you're not an awkward colleague. Interpersonal communication skills often feel like they require too much intimacy. But you need to understand other's needs and your own, and be able to express them appropriately. And form trusting workplace relationships so that you can offer emotional support, influence attitudes, and give and receive feedback appropriately. Let’s improve your relationships at work through intentional communication coaching.

Mesmerize your audience like a TEDx speaker. Skillfully use your body language, wrangle your anxiety, and captivate your audience with your words and message. Public speaking and storytelling are not only marketable skills in today’s social media-driven world but is also a tool for positive social change and influence. Let's work towards a timely event or milestone.

The break you need to STOP, BREATH, and THINK. This productivity coaching session will help you identify the personal and career challenges that are weighing or taking you down. You and I will identify practical solutions for the challenges you are currently facing recognizing the context of this year. We will develop a plan to help you move forward that honors your desires to thrive in 2020.